11 Types of phishing attacks you need to know


Phishing attacks can take various forms, each targeting different types of information or exploiting different vulnerabilities. Some common types of phishing attacks include:

1. Credential Phishing

These sites impersonate legitimate login pages to steal usernames and passwords.

2. Clone Phishing

Attackers create copies of legitimate websites and modify them to deliver malicious content or collect user information.

3. Spear Phishing

Customized attacks targeting specific individuals or organizations, often using personalized information to appear more convincing.

4. Pharming

Manipulates DNS settings to redirect users to fraudulent websites without their knowledge.

5. Vishing

Phishing attacks conducted over voice, typically using phone calls or voicemail messages to deceive victims into providing sensitive information.

6. Smishing

Similar to vishing, but conducted via text messages (SMS), where users are tricked into clicking on malicious links or providing information.

7. Whaling

Targets high-profile individuals, such as executives, aiming to gain access to valuable corporate data.

8. Business Email Compromise (BEC)

 Impersonates legitimate business communications to trick employees into transferring funds or sharing sensitive information.

9. Malvertising

Uses malicious advertisements to redirect users to phishing sites when they click on the ads.

10. Search Engine Phishing

Attackers create fake websites that appear in search results, tricking users into visiting these sites.

11. Ransomware Phishing

Involves delivering ransomware through phishing emails or sites, encrypting users' files until a ransom is paid.

Being cautious, verifying website URLs, and not clicking on suspicious links are important steps to avoid falling victim to these types of phishing attacks.


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